moments of weakness

By amy ~ May 2nd, 2008 @ 12:01 pm

I have woken this morning to face a new terror – I have a cold! As much as I pride myself on being extremely healthy (walk everywhere, plenty of fresh air and good food combined with regular vitamin supplements; indeed nothing goes into my mouth without at least a degree of due consideration) I have succumbed for the first time in many months and face a day of bedrest tomorrow in order to recuperate before my next exciting trip away on Sunday. Being wrapped up in bed for hours feeling flushed, tingly and shivery would generally be delightful and something to look forward to, but not so when one is without company, the singularly unattractive symptoms that accompany such maladies making this a very unlikely prospect. However, anyone who is similarly suffering is more than welcome to get in touch – I can offer proper Buttercup syrup, hot Ribena with port in it and my nice comfortable bedroom is always copiously supplied with tissues!

I blame my miserable state on my foolish habits over the past week; as previously mentioned I am seeking a suitable new apartment and submitted an offer on my chosen pied a terre last Monday morning; I have consequentially spent much of the week running and telephoning between solicitors, mortgage consultants, estate agents and naturally the bank (plus my lovely accountant, who deserves a parenthesised mention on his own as he is always a sight for sore eyes and certainly does not belong with the moneygrabbers and ambulance-chasers). Whilst normally there is nothing I would like better than an exciting succession of assignations with lots of gentlemen in smart suits, I’m afraid this is running me quite ragged! Definitely time for a rest (and more Buttercup syrup, the Hollyoaks omnibus and probably the rest of the fabulous chocolate strawberry-whipped cream things that a wonderful gentleman brought me this very morning and obviously will not keep!) Offical duvet day awaits…..

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1 Response to moments of weakness

  1. Escorts Leeds

    I hate having a cold


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